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Ecology Systems Theory
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  Updated: Oct 14, 2014
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Franklin O, Palmroth S, Näsholm T (2014) How eco-evolutionary principles can guide tree breeding and tree biotechnology for enhanced productivity. Tree Physiology 34, 1149–1166

Näsholm T, Sari Palmroth S, Ganeteg U, Moshelion M, Hurry V, Franklin O (2014) Genetics of superior growth traits in trees are being mapped but will the faster-growing risk-takers make it in the wild? Tree Physiology 34, 1141–1148

Jonas M, Ometto JP, Batistella M, Franklin O, Hall M, Lapola DM, Moran EF, Tramberend S, Queiroz BL, Schaffartzik A, Shvidenko A, Nilsson SB, Nobre CA. (2014) Sustaining ecosystem services: Overcoming the dilemma posed by local actions and planetary boundaries. Earth's Future. 2:2013EF000224.

Franklin O, Näsholm T, Högberg P, Högberg MN (2014) Forests trapped in nitrogen limitation: an ecological market perspective on ectomycorrhizal symbiosis. New Phytologist 203, 657-666

Lindh M, Zhang L, Falster D, Franklin O, Brännström Å. (2014) Plant diversity and drought: the role of deep roots. Ecological Modelling 290, 85-93

Kaiser C, Richter A, Franklin O, Dieckmann U (2014) Microbial community dynamics alleviate stoichiometric constraints during litter decay. Ecology Letters 17, 680-690

McCallum I, Franklin O, Moltchanova E, Merbold L, Schmullius C, Shvidenko A, Schepaschenko D, Fritz S (2013) Improved light and temperature responses for light-use-efficiency-based GPP models. Biogeosciences 10, 6577-6590

Näsholm T, Högberg P, Franklin O, Metcalfe D, Keel SG, Campbell C, Hurry V, Linder S, Högberg MN (2013) Are ectomycorrhizal fungi alleviating or aggravating nitrogen limitation of tree growth in boreal forests? New Phytologist 198, 214-221

Hall M, Medlyn BE, Abramowitz G, Franklin O, Räntfors M, Linder S, Wallin G (2013) Which are the most important parameters for modelling carbon assimilation in boreal Norway spruce under elevated [CO2] and temperature conditions? Tree Physiology 33, 1156-1176

Bodin P, Franklin O(2012). Efficient modeling of sun/shade canopy radiation dynamics explicitly accounting for scattering. Geoscientific Model Development 5, 535-541

Franklin O, Johansson J, Dewar RC, Dieckmann U, McMurtrie RE, Brännström Å, Dybzinski R. 2012. Modeling carbon allocation in trees: a search for principles. Tree Physiology 32, 648-666.

Franklin O, Moltchanova E, Kraxner F, Seidl R, Böttcher H, Rokityiansky D, Obersteiner M. 2012. Large-Scale Forest Modeling: Deducing Stand Density from Inventory Data. International Journal of Forestry Research. Article ID 934974, 13 pages.

Franklin O, Hall E K , Kaiser C, Battin T, Richter A. 2011. Optimization of biomass composition explains microbial growth-stoichiometry relationships. American Naturalist 177, E29–E42.

Hall E K, Maixner F, Franklin O, Daims H, Richter A, Battin T. 2011. Linking microbial and ecosystem ecology using ecological stoichiometry: a synthesis of conceptual and empirical approaches. Ecosystems 14, 261-273.

Leduc S, Lundgren J, Franklin O, Dotzauer E. 2010. Location of a biomass based methanol production plant: a dynamic problem in northern Sweden. Applied Energy 87, 68-75

Franklin O, Aoki K, Seidl R. 2009. A generic model of thinning and stand density effects on forest growth, mortality and net increment. Annals of Forest Science 66: 815

Dewar RC, Franklin O, Mäkelä A, Mcmurtrie RE, Valentine HT. 2009. Optimal Function Explains Forest Responses to Global Change. BioScience 59: 127-39.

Franklin O, McMurtrie RE, Iversen CI, Crous KY, Finzi AC, Tissue DT, Ellsworth DS, Oren R, Norby RJ. 2009. Forest fine-root production and nitrogen use under elevated CO2: Contrasting responses in evergreen and deciduous trees explained by a common principle. Global Change Biology 15, 132–144 *

Schneider UA, Balkovic J, De Cara S, Franklin O, Fritz S, Havlik P, Huck I, Jantke K, Kallio AMI, Kraxner F, Moiseyev A, Obersteiner M, Ramos CI, Schleupner C, Schmid E, Schwab D, Skalsky R. 2008. The European Forest and Agricultural Sector Optimization Model – EUFASOM. FNU-156, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg. (not peer reviewed).

Franklin O. 2007. Optimal nitrogen allocation controls tree responses to elevated CO2. New Phytologist 174: 811–822.

Franklin, O et al. 2006. Modeling Forest Production and Carbon Storage Potentials in Response to Management in the European Union 2005 – 2050. In INSEA EU FP 6, 2006, Project SSPI-CT-2003/503614 Ed. M. Obersteiner. EU.

Franklin O, Högberg P, Ekblad A, Ågren G I. 2003. Pine forest floor carbon accumulation in response to N and PK additions – Bomb 14C modelling and respiration studies. Ecosystems 6: 644-658.

Ågren G I, Franklin O. 2003. Root:shoot ratios, optimisation and nitrogen productivity. Annals of Botany 92: 795-800.

Franklin O. 2003. Plant and Forest Dynamics in Response to Nitrogen Availability. Doctoral thesis, Silvestria 285, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. (summary)

Franklin O, Ågren G I. 2002. Leaf senescence and resorption as mechanisms of maximizing photosynthetic production during canopy development at N limitation. Functional Ecology 16: 727-733.


*(This is an electronic version of an article published in Global Change Biology: complete citation information for the final version of the paper, as published in the print edition of Global Change Biology, is available on the Blackwell Synergy online delivery service, accessible via the journal's website at http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/GCB or http://www.blackwell-synergy.com)




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